Miika OH2BAD with XYL Raili and his brother Jukka OH2BR with XYL Loretta OH2BG are staying at Amateur Radio Island for a week. OH73ELK will be on Air with theirs voices in the coming days.
They visited the Amateur Radio Island at different times, but they all met together at the OH73ELK Stand in Friedrichshafen! On the photo: OH2BR, UB1AOA, DL2VFR, PE2W ! Thank you for your support at the exhibition! It was amazing atmosphere there!
A nice gift from our guest from Belgium, OO7J. Thank you, Christoph!
Thanks to our German Guest Ric DL2VFR for the great present - all his famous books about Ham Radio (DARC Verlag)! These books will be available in OH73ELK Shack forever!
Our goal was to make 1000 QSO and we did it right before the end of time limit.Thanks to Gert-Jan PE2W for his idea about WPX and for joining our team! Here is a short movie report from YL RAISA : https://youtu.be/WFXKrG3b94o