Using the Radio Shack at OH73ELK
1. Preparation
Turn ON the Switcher "SHACK" at the panel downstairs
Please check the ant. connector. If it is unplugged like on the picture, please connect it to the SWR and POWER Meter jack.
Then, turn ON the green button on the general (master) switch located on the right side of the table.
NB: Please switch OFF the general (master) switch every time you have finished operating.
2. Operation
If you are not familiar with the Icom 7300 transceiver, please read the official manual which is available in the Shack (also a special guide to the Icom IC -7300 by Andrew ZL3DW). Turn on the transceiver. The RF power of the transceiver can be set here (see the next picture - you have to PUSH this button):
NB: The IC 7300 is a touch screen / menu-driven transceiver. If you are not familiar with this technology, please read the manual.
Here is one important example: Do not look for a band switch. In order to switch bands, push the touch screen here (see the next picture):
VERY IMPORTANT: always set the antenna to the appropriate band with the switch RQUAD “RU-005A” (you can see RQUAD “RU-005A” switcher on next picture):
You just need to press one of red buttons, do not press button "F". Every time you change bands, you need to check and/or switch the antenna!
The following antennas are available:
- 1: Fullsize 3-3-5 Yagi beam 20-15-10m
- 2: Inv-V 30 m ("Kelemen")
- 3: NO ANT
- 4: Inv-V 80 m, only SSB segment 3.6-3.8 MHz
- 5: Inv-V "Kelemen" 80/160 m only CW segment, max. 500W, NO ANT FOR SSB 160 available
- 6 DX-Commander 30/20/17/15/12/10 m (WARC bands!)
- 7: Inv-V 40/20 m ("Kelemen")
- 8: GP 40 m, elevated
Always look directly at the antenna switch RQUAD “RU-005A” for the current buttons and their corresponding antennas. The photo in the Manual may be out of date.
As mentioned before, every time you stop working, please turn off the green button of the general (master) switch. This also switches the antennas to ground! This is very important for protection against static electricity and thunderstorm hazards. If you stay during summer when thunderstorms are possible, please carefully disconnect the antenna from the SWR and POWER Meter during thunderstorms and upon departure.
Yaesu rotor G-1000DX
The rotor allows to turn the 10/15/20 beam.
For example: when turning the antenna from NORTH-WEST to SOUTH or EAST, rotate COUNTER-CLOCKWISE. When going from EAST to NORTH-WEST, rotate CLOCKWISE.
Please use extreme care when using this rotor and if the Overlap lamp comes on, contact Alex!
During the winter season, at temperatures below -5 degrees, please use the rotor as little as possible.
If the temperature drops below - 5° C PLEASE DO NOT USE THE ROTOR
In this situation, you can use other ANT for 20/15/10 bands!
Please do not change the antenna rotation speed. It is set in the middle position.
Headset / footswitch
The station works very well with the current setup. Please do not change the wiring or add peripherals without the consent of Alex.
You can use the headset Heil BM-10 iC and footswitch Heil FS-3 or separate table mic.
Leaving the station
At the end of your stay, please carefully disconnect the antenna from the SWR and POWER Meter, turn OFF the general (master) switch and turn off the switcher SHACK downstairs
Obviously, you should also disconnect the antenna during your stay whenever thunderstorms are approaching.
Amplifier ACOM 2000 A
The shack is equipped with an amplifier (under the shack table) and a remote control unit (on the shack table).
Do not use this equipment without prior authorisation and training by Alex. Without proper introduction and briefing, the use of the amplifier equipment is dangerous and can lead to extensive damage.
Acom 2000 A costs like a small car :(
Never use more than 40 W drive power. (The original ACOM instructions say a maximum of 60 W drive power, but our ANT system is designed for a maximum of 40 W drive)
The ACOM 2000A is a complete and self-contained linear amplifier that covers all amateur bands from 1.8 through 30MHz, has automatic self-tune capability, and provides up to 1000-1500W output power with 40W exciter drive. The amplifier can tolerate loads up to 3:1 VSWR (2:1 on 160 meters) and the process of matching the antenna impedance to the optimum load of the tubes is automated. There is a special separate instruction for use of Amplifier in the Shack.
3 General remarks
Please always use sound judgment concerning safety issues. In case of doubt, think twice.
Do not even think about climbing the tower or similar activities.
If you want to erect your own antennas, please check beforehand with Alex.
Enjoy your stay at OH73ELK!
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